Smash the Cameron-Clegg Coup

Monday, May 24, 2010



  • The language here is questionable.

  • The image of a bucket of shit is objectionable. We must portray our enemies (even those who were so recently comrades) in a manner fitting the particular context of the issue. We have therefore replaced the image of a bucket of shit with a photograph of Vidkun Quisling, the Norwegian Nazi collaborator. We feel this exemplifies far more accurately what we are all thinking about Patrick Shackleton right now.

Communique (Edit) Pippa Townsend

At 4:15 pm today I received a telephone call from a solicitor representing Patrick Shackleton's mother. She (the solicitor) informed me that if I did not remove the photograph of Patrick Shackleton from this blog then I personally and STFLDTC as a group may well face legal action.

We're not sure about this - can anyone advise us? In the meantime we will replace the picture of Shackleton with a not althogether disimilar image - a bucket of shit.

Well done, Pat, if only Trotsky's Mum had been a Magistrate who could have pulled a few strings, Stalin wouldn't have stood a chance. Some class warrior YOU'VE turned out to be.

  • Splitter

  • Counter-revolutionary

  • Liar
'We loved you like a brother - and you treat us this way'.
Patrick Shackleton - a non-person.

(Quizling - right)


Catflap said...

Ok this is my CV.
17 years including 1 year sixth form in south London comps.
6 years working in a dental lab most of which was training.(Private)
7 years as a security bod working in Parliament of all places.(Public servant)
10 years taxi driving on the east coast with 1 years metal fabrication and denture repair work in between.(self employed).
Currently on benefits(Public Client)
In none of the above have I earned more than £20,000 a year and mostly a fraction of it.
I have bought homes but mostly rented privately and now live in social housing.
Anyone else on here wish to add their 'qualifications'?
Just to know where we all stand.

P.T. Barnum said...

This is hilarious! More please. The world needs this satire.

Greer Garson said...

what you (on) about, catflaps?

Catflap said...

Greer Garson:
I am just trying to sound out my potential new lords and masters.