Smash the Cameron-Clegg Coup

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Clegg - One of the Great Political Orators of our Time . . .

NOT! I bet Gladstone's turning in his fucking grave. What a shambling performance today - indicative of a third rate intellect WAY out of his depth. Has he actually studied the 1832 'Great' Reform Act or was he doing nothing more than lip-synching some half-arsed sub A Level essay from one of his advisers?

Oi, Nick - you feckin half-wit: the 1832 Reform Act was passed with a backdrop of riots in Nottingham and Bristol, gave half-a-dozen more people the vote, had a good look at the potwollaper franchise, never even considered giving women the vote and all but ignored the noble working class.

Splits now starting to show on Tory backbenches as ickle fascists who didn't get bag-carrying posts get pissed off and start sniping about the Human Rights Act. Bastards - serves you fuckin right!


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