Smash the Cameron-Clegg Coup

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Communique - Pippa Townsend

Some brief thoughts after conversations with fellow STFLDTC Executive Members

  1. This has nothing to do with Law's sexuality. It's 2010 not 1910.
  2. The 'I didn't think I was doing anything wrong' defence. Puhleeeeze.
  3. MP recall - we at STFLDTC assume Laws will now resign and save the bother of a recall.
  4. Greed - he's a very, very rich man.
  5. Arrogance - how many more think they can get away with it?

Thursday, May 27, 2010


by R Gregory

Education. They're obsessed with it. The two-buttons undone, Converse wearing Notting Hill coalitionistas are the political povos of the capital unable to send (buy) their offspring into the schools that their chums who opted for the city are easily able to afford. Their best bet is to go down the road of academies and free schools and hopefully twist a system that they already dominate even more in their favour. One thing is clear - academies and free schools are not for the working class communities, they simply will not happen in these areas. It is simply another middle-class scam to completely take over a system that serves them very well anyway. Let us consider the evidence.

David (1993) looked at the experiment that reduced state control and increased competition between schools through the 1988 Education Reform Act which established the principle of marketisation. David argued that the act created a 'parentocracy' which saw power shift away from the producers (teachers and schools) to the consumers (parents). Supporters of parentocracy argued that parentocracy encouraged diversity among schools and gave parents more choice. Supporters also argued that the move improved standards: not for everyone it didn't.

Despite the  claimed benefits of marketisation it has become evidently clear that the claimed benefits of marketisation has increased inequalities between pupils. All that has happened (and will continue to happen under Coalition proposals) is that middle-class parents are better placed to take advantage of the available choices.

Ball (1994) and Whitty (1998) argue that marketisation actually reproduces and legitimates inequality through exam league tables and funding formulas.

The legitimisation of inequality, and the justification of its existence is concealed under the facade of parentocracy. However, parentocracy is a myth.

The education may appear to be based on parents having a free choice of school but this is not the reality of the situation - it simply gives the impression that real choice is being exercised. In reality, as Gewirtz shows (2000), middle class parents have more economic and cultural capital and are better placed to take advantage of the choices available. As Leech and Campos go on to show (2001) middle class parents have always been able to buy into the catchment areas of the 'better' schools.

Academies and free schools will allow schools to develop the exisiting educational triage in such a way that pupils from poorer families will continue to be failed by the educational system. Free of any semblance of local authority control, these 'new' schools will continue to develop Bartlett's notions (1993) of 'cream-skimming' and 'silt-sifting' through applicants in a way that effectively allows them to discriminate against the poor, the disadvantaged and the troubled. The governors who have gone on record as seeing competition as a way to 'bring the right sort of parents into the school' are about to be legitimised as local gatekeepers of educational quality that will discriminate against the working class.

Recent studies in Chicago have shown that the two single most important factors in determining what makes a 'good' school is behaviour and parental involvement. As a teacher myself, I agree wholeheartedly with this. However, academies and free schools will arrive at this nirvana NOT through inspired teaching and leadership but through a biased selection process that will actively exclude those children from backgrounds who are most in need of sound education.

All research shows that the single most important factor influencing under-achievement in education is deprivation and poverty. Sending children from these backgrounds into 'rump' LEA institutions (who will, by the way, have had their best teachers creamed off by the new sector) is to condemn them to a lifetime of underachievement and disatisfaction.

How should we deal with poor schools and underachievement? The position of the STFLDTC may surprise some of our detractors:

  • Raise the bar for entry to the teaching profession. Their are too many bad teachers in the system who simply do not know their subjects and are themselves the product of a weak system that has rewarded mediocrity.
  • Allow good teachers to stay in the classroom - not the office (by promotion).
  • Raise the entry age to the teaching profession - their are too many (very) young teachers who cannot (and do not) command respect or authority.
  • Scrap a whole range of spurious educational techniques such as critical thinking, assessment for learning etc - they simply hide bad teaching.
  • Restrict the use of ICT - wikipedia is not the most useful place for homework.
  • Parachute good managers into bad schools. Sack bad managers.
  • Sack bad teachers.
  • Raise achievement for all, not the few.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Deeply Unpleasant Man - Ian Dale

Communique - Pat Davey

What do you do if: you're a failed publisher, failed bookshop owner, failed broadcaster AND you been twatted in the knackers by a party you slavishly adore yet leaves you forever paley loitering on the outside?

You set up a crappy boring blog and continue to kiss deeply the ring of a party that, let's face it, doesn't really want you. You pedal tacky gossip and adopt a 'gosh! blimey!' breathless commentary on every aspect of modern politics - however boring.

And then - you publish the personal details of a comrade. What a petty little shit you've become in your spite filled lonely bitterness and failure.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010



P Davey (Chair)

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Period of Calm

Statement - Pat Davey, Chairperson STFLDTC

The support and interest shown in STFLDTC since its inception shortly after the declaration of a Lib Dem Tory Coalition government has been impressive. It is highly encouraging to be provided with clear evidence and so much good will towards a group formed to highlight and challenge the iniquities of a shallow and unrepresentative government. We shall continue the struggle.

The enthusiasm shown by supporters and members of STFLDTC has, over the past 48 hours, spilled over into the kind of personality based Mcarthyite/Stalinist/Thatcherite/Milosevic witch-hunts that as democrats and activists we must seek to avoid. The revolutionary fervour of one or two National Executive members has certainly caused them to pursue actions and personal vandettas that do not befit the discipline and rigour required from activists embarking on the long hard struggle against a semi-fascist junta. Today, we have seen this government steal money from the mouths of the unborn by ending the Child Trust Fund. It has also begun the process of preparing the British public for public sector job cuts that will throw millions on the dole heap. STFLDTC must remain focussed and dedicated to challenging this government at every turn.

Patrick Shackleton displayed gross lack of judgement in his inability to organise a simple flash mob designed to provide the London workers with their first opportunity to take their struggle against the Clegg/Cameron dual-oligarchy onto the streets of the capital. Patrick had the opportunity to work hard to retreive the situation and maintain his political discipline and composure. He chose, instead, to leave STFLDTC and pursue a vandetta against us in the pages and urls of the right-wing blogosphere and press.

Pippa Townsend, in a display of premature political positioning chose to use this blog to make vicious attacks on Shackleton. This resulted today in STFLDTC receiving a legal threat. This issue is yet to be resolved.

Pippa Townsend has been asked to take a short period of gardening leave.

All future communications through this blog must be  cleared by a special executive sub-committee consisting of myself and Kit Maxwell.

Let us now, with passion, urgency and clarity - focus on smashing this unjust and unelected government.

Power, patience, discretion and judgement to you all.



  • The language here is questionable.

  • The image of a bucket of shit is objectionable. We must portray our enemies (even those who were so recently comrades) in a manner fitting the particular context of the issue. We have therefore replaced the image of a bucket of shit with a photograph of Vidkun Quisling, the Norwegian Nazi collaborator. We feel this exemplifies far more accurately what we are all thinking about Patrick Shackleton right now.

Communique (Edit) Pippa Townsend

At 4:15 pm today I received a telephone call from a solicitor representing Patrick Shackleton's mother. She (the solicitor) informed me that if I did not remove the photograph of Patrick Shackleton from this blog then I personally and STFLDTC as a group may well face legal action.

We're not sure about this - can anyone advise us? In the meantime we will replace the picture of Shackleton with a not althogether disimilar image - a bucket of shit.

Well done, Pat, if only Trotsky's Mum had been a Magistrate who could have pulled a few strings, Stalin wouldn't have stood a chance. Some class warrior YOU'VE turned out to be.

  • Splitter

  • Counter-revolutionary

  • Liar
'We loved you like a brother - and you treat us this way'.
Patrick Shackleton - a non-person.

(Quizling - right)


Apologies to all members and followers for the very late e-mail communication earlier regarding ex executive member Patrick Shackleton. Pippa will be posting (Monday evening) providing full details.

Could all members and followers please take note that Shackleton no longer has any connection with STFLDTC whatsoever and wherever he may be representing (or claiming to represent) our views he is, in fact, acting purely as a civilian OUTSIDE STFLDTC and has no authority to represent our views at all. We have inteligence that Shackleton is posting on far-right websites and is slandering the STFLDTC and its members.

Please watch this space.


Communique - Kit Maxwell

As the LibDemToryCoalition makes plans to sack over half-a-million people it might do worse than consider the Royal Family as a good starting point. SMASH THE CIVIL LIST - START CUTS AT WINDSOR - DOWN WITH THE ROYAL SCUM-SUCKING FAMILY.



Coation Watch Focus Briefings will be posted every Sunday following the inner-executive meeting. The purpose of these briefings is to keep comrades/colleagues updated with focus and clarity on the central issues that face us with regard to the LibDem / Tory coalition. Not for us the long-winded psuedo-Marxist posturing of the SWP and their ilk: no, we of the STFLDTC seek simple clarity and focus that does not distract us from the principle aim of our organisation - smashing the coalition. Here's what we're up against:

  • The majority of the 'Cabinet' are millionaries.
  • Women and sisters are grossly under-represented.
  • Ethnic comrades and colleagues are under-represented.
  • The millionaire never worked a day in his life wall-paper heir is about to make 300,000 members of the working class REDUNDANT. THE BASTARD.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


  • Very rich.
  • Deracinated.
  • EU trougher.
  • Private education.
  • Elite university.
  • Student Tory.
  • Not a very good political leader (loser in 2010).
  • Grabs position of 'power' to secure personal political ambitions.
Liberal? Democrat?   No.


The National Executive of the Smash the Fascist Lib Dem Tory Coalition held an emergency meeting this evening and wish to make the following announcement.

'It is with some regret that we find ourselves having to stand comrades down from the proposed 'Flash Mob? SMASH MOB!' event scheduled to take place in central London tommorrow (Friday May 21) lunchtime.

Patrick Shackleton, who was charged with overall responsibility for the event, is no longer able to co-ordinate our campaign through to what would have been a very significant statement of our presence. Whilst we recognise that Patrick is one of the younger members of the STFLDTC executive it is no excuse for misleading colleagues and displaying a marked lack of revolutionary discipline simply because of a re-sit AS Chemistry exam scheduled for the same day.

Patrick has been released from his duties on the STFLDTC executive.

We apologise to those colleagues who have contacted us through the week and who have shown much goodwill to our aims.

We must keep ourselves focused on monitoring and challenging the Clegg/Cam Coup. This is not a defeat, mearly a set-back on the uphill path to bringing this proto-fascist regime to account.'

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


  • Whilst this is a good poem it betrays a certain bourgeois and possessionist attitude to culture by referencing the poet in the title. This poem has been re-named 'Death'.

Death, are you there? Death?
Yes, you're there.
Are you deaf? Death?
No, you are not deaf.
Death is not deaf.
Death is death.

Clegg - One of the Great Political Orators of our Time . . .

NOT! I bet Gladstone's turning in his fucking grave. What a shambling performance today - indicative of a third rate intellect WAY out of his depth. Has he actually studied the 1832 'Great' Reform Act or was he doing nothing more than lip-synching some half-arsed sub A Level essay from one of his advisers?

Oi, Nick - you feckin half-wit: the 1832 Reform Act was passed with a backdrop of riots in Nottingham and Bristol, gave half-a-dozen more people the vote, had a good look at the potwollaper franchise, never even considered giving women the vote and all but ignored the noble working class.

Splits now starting to show on Tory backbenches as ickle fascists who didn't get bag-carrying posts get pissed off and start sniping about the Human Rights Act. Bastards - serves you fuckin right!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

England's World Cup Bid

Communique - Pat Davey

It is typical of this anti-working class Cam/Clegg coalition that little has been done at government level to support the England World Cup bid so spectactularly hit below the water line over the weekend by a desperate old-knob jockey trying to impress some strumpet and the Tory fascist lickspittle scribes at the Nazi-supporting Rothmere owned 'Mail On Sunday'.

The message from the coalition is clear: we don't particularly care about football, we don't particularly care about the game of the people - all we care about is enriching ourselves and our capitalist friends and damn the World Cup - it can go to Russia for all they care.

Meanwhile, trillions of pounds continue to be poured into the intertwined fiscal black holes of the London Olympic games that will celebrate minority sports pursued by the upper classes (rowing, shooting, yachting etc) whilst thousands of East Enders have had their allotments and homes bulldozed from beneath them.

It's one law for the rich and the poor can get fucked. SMASH THE COALITION!

Flash Mob? SMASH MOB! 3

Communique - Pat Davey

Please check your e-mails for details of car sharing for Friday. Anyone travelling into London from Hendon?

Monday, May 17, 2010


Communique - Kit Maxwell

Fascist lickspittle and all round Quizling bore Ming Campbell is to challenge the Speaker of the House of Commons for the right to surround himself in expensive wallpaper - the bastard.

It's just like Hindenburg in Germany all over again.

Death By a Thousand Cuts

Communique - P Shakleton

The caring face of the Liberal Democrats will soon be revealed as they stand shoulder to shoulder with the Tory Party and deliver a series of financial blows to the public sector that will send the UK hurtling back to the dark ages - especially the North.

We here at STFLDTC are not prepared to stand around idly as two rich millionaires and their unelected corporals in this medieval junta deliver crippling blows to education, the healh service, the arts and probably to transport as well.

Join us this Friday - be part of the resistance to this undemocratic coup.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Flash Mob? SMASH MOB! 2

Communique - Pippa Townsend

Many thanks to all of you who took part yesterday and to those of you who have been in touch today. Patrick will shortly be sending details of Friday's event so if we don't have your email/mobile then please do forward to us. We expect to be twittering before long.

Split Update - 1


  • The use of the word 'nutter' here is to be regretted.

Loony nutter Peter Hitchens predicting Tory split in 'Sunday Mail'. Rumours that Simon Hughes straying 'way off' message.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Flash Mob? SMASH MOB!

It's the end of a very busy day and we're off for last orders.
Put us in your favourites list and keep checking back.
Friday lunchtime - 21 May - Flash Mob/Smash Mob in central London.

Fascist Coalition - The Cracks Appear

We have just been tipped off that the 'Observer' will be leading with the news that ex-Lib Dem leader Charles Kennedy refused to voted in favour of the stich-up between the two public school millionaires.

Good for him. Cheers, Charles.

STFC - Executive Committee

Pat Davey - Chairperson
Lyndsey Everett - Vice Chair
Ava Server - General Secretary
Patrick Shackleton - Campaign Coordinator / Blog Manager
Pippa Townsend - Communications / Blog Manager
Kit Maxwell - Women / Sisters Facilitator
Chris McCarthy - Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Facilitator
Brendan Newton - Ethnic and Multi-Cultural Monitoring / Compliance
R Gregory - Young Person Facilitator

The Fight Back Begins NOW

This blog is dedicated to smashing the Lib Dem Tory Fascist Coalition that has this week stolen power from under the noses of the British electorate and the spineless deracinated corpse of the Labour Party.
The journey will be long. It will be hard. It begins NOW.