Smash the Cameron-Clegg Coup

Thursday, May 20, 2010


  • Very rich.
  • Deracinated.
  • EU trougher.
  • Private education.
  • Elite university.
  • Student Tory.
  • Not a very good political leader (loser in 2010).
  • Grabs position of 'power' to secure personal political ambitions.
Liberal? Democrat?   No.


PT Barnum said...

Deracinated?! Come now, you make yourself look merely absurd with this jibe, and potentially something much much worse. Nowt like sitting in judgement with righteous certainty, is there?

Catflap said...

Brothers and sisters pull your thumb out your arse the Tories are back.
I know it has been tough ignoring the fascist policies of New Labour for 13 years.
ID cards,CCTV,Punitive Terror laws and the persecution of innocent Muslims.
Oh I nearly forgot the two disastrous wars that have killed and maimed tens of thousands of foreigners plus over a thousand working class lads in the British army.
It has been a tough struggle comrades ignoring it,I know.
But now our time has come.
The BA trolley dolly's need our help.
Forget 'Plane Stupid' it is 'Plane sailing'now to stick the boot in on the LibCons.
So fuck the environment lose the green badge and dust off the red.

Anonymous said...

The content is blog is complete and utter rubbish. Try backing up your claims with evidences or a logical path.

Why does something tell me that you're a BNP voter?

Enjoy pissing into the wind!