Smash the Cameron-Clegg Coup

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Period of Calm

Statement - Pat Davey, Chairperson STFLDTC

The support and interest shown in STFLDTC since its inception shortly after the declaration of a Lib Dem Tory Coalition government has been impressive. It is highly encouraging to be provided with clear evidence and so much good will towards a group formed to highlight and challenge the iniquities of a shallow and unrepresentative government. We shall continue the struggle.

The enthusiasm shown by supporters and members of STFLDTC has, over the past 48 hours, spilled over into the kind of personality based Mcarthyite/Stalinist/Thatcherite/Milosevic witch-hunts that as democrats and activists we must seek to avoid. The revolutionary fervour of one or two National Executive members has certainly caused them to pursue actions and personal vandettas that do not befit the discipline and rigour required from activists embarking on the long hard struggle against a semi-fascist junta. Today, we have seen this government steal money from the mouths of the unborn by ending the Child Trust Fund. It has also begun the process of preparing the British public for public sector job cuts that will throw millions on the dole heap. STFLDTC must remain focussed and dedicated to challenging this government at every turn.

Patrick Shackleton displayed gross lack of judgement in his inability to organise a simple flash mob designed to provide the London workers with their first opportunity to take their struggle against the Clegg/Cameron dual-oligarchy onto the streets of the capital. Patrick had the opportunity to work hard to retreive the situation and maintain his political discipline and composure. He chose, instead, to leave STFLDTC and pursue a vandetta against us in the pages and urls of the right-wing blogosphere and press.

Pippa Townsend, in a display of premature political positioning chose to use this blog to make vicious attacks on Shackleton. This resulted today in STFLDTC receiving a legal threat. This issue is yet to be resolved.

Pippa Townsend has been asked to take a short period of gardening leave.

All future communications through this blog must be  cleared by a special executive sub-committee consisting of myself and Kit Maxwell.

Let us now, with passion, urgency and clarity - focus on smashing this unjust and unelected government.

Power, patience, discretion and judgement to you all.


Katabasis said...

This site is a spoof.....right?

STFC Executive said...

It is typical of the school child simplicity of British politics that anyhting resembling political discipline must in some way be a spoof. Email us and find out more - be part of the resistance.

Anonymous said...

This must be a parody. Brass eye perhaps?!

CC Baxter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
P.T. Barnum said...

From the NuNuDictionary:

Political discipline - schismatic factionalism combined with the ability to believe something wholly at odds with external reality.