It is typical of this anti-working class Cam/Clegg coalition that little has been done at government level to support the England World Cup bid so spectactularly hit below the water line over the weekend by a desperate old-knob jockey trying to impress some strumpet and the Tory fascist lickspittle scribes at the Nazi-supporting Rothmere owned 'Mail On Sunday'.
The message from the coalition is clear: we don't particularly care about football, we don't particularly care about the game of the people - all we care about is enriching ourselves and our capitalist friends and damn the World Cup - it can go to Russia for all they care.
Meanwhile, trillions of pounds continue to be poured into the intertwined fiscal black holes of the London Olympic games that will celebrate minority sports pursued by the upper classes (rowing, shooting, yachting etc) whilst thousands of East Enders have had their allotments and homes bulldozed from beneath them.
It's one law for the rich and the poor can get fucked. SMASH THE COALITION!
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